STR Technology

Crafting your value.

STR works in the FOOD PROCESSING sector, where it sells, installing and reconditioning used machinery; it offers energy evaluation and upgrade services in order to reduce the Carbon footprint of existing plants.

Our main proposal is that customers reach their goals, in highly competitive and dynamic scenarios.

STR green:
Innovation while respecting nature

Pursuing the goal of sustainability, STR performs energy improvements on existing plants changing not only the environmental impact but also the production efficiency.


Customer satisfaction

We want to communicate empathetically with our customers, identifying their needs and guiding them to success.

For STR, the customer is a partner with whom to evaluate the opportunities of the market and define a strategic and operational plan responding to the needs of the final target.


The services offered by STR are not limited only to the sale and installation of used plants, but also include the reconditioning of the same. It also deals with upgrading and revamping of existing lines and installation of new computerized logic.

STR Technology offers at any time maintenance services, spare parts and energy evaluation, in order to reduce the carbon footprint of existing plants

Upgrade e revamping

Plants digitalization

maintenance & spare parts

energy assessments analysis and approvals of existing plants


Available machines

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